In 2004, Zarang Motorcycle Manufacturing and Assembling Company established its own factory in Herat Industrial Town and started its activities in four different sectors. In addition, the company has made it easier for the country’s economic growth and self-sufficiency to create jobs for the citizens of the country, which directly employed 150 people at the Zarang factory and indirectly 20% of the population of Afghanistan with the initiative and manufacture of the Zarang Company.
The working sections of the Zarang manufacturing company are as follows:
- Manufacture all metal parts required for tricycle
- Manufacture full body of tricycle
- Manufacture full frame of tricycle
- Coloring of all metal parts by machines
- Montage and assembling of full tricycle
Zarang Parts
All metal parts which have made in Zarang Company are strong with excellent quality and all bought from internal iron companies which are caused to improve selling and buying inside the bazaar. The machines that are controlled by Zarang Company have the ability to produce any kind of metal parts, in addition to the three wheel companies; other manufacturing companies can also place their orders and receive their parts.
The three-wheel frame
The three-wheel frame is one of the most important parts of the tricycle in its resistance. Zarang Industrial Production Company is the first manufacturer of frame inside Afghanistan, which produced at the high-strength with Global Standards.
The Irons which we use to manufacture a frame is all bought from internal Afghanis companies.
Zarang Coloring Products
The coloring section of the Zarang manufacturing company has advanced machineries that can color any metal parts, the colored furnace used for painting the body and the frame of three wheels of Zarang tricycle, which can be used to paint the frame of Cars and other machinery too.
Zarang Tricycle Body
Zarang Industrial Company, with its domestic technical staff, has been able to supply all the facilities needed for body manufacturing for the first time and first started manufacturing body in Afghanistan. The manufactured body in this company is one of the best and most reliable bodies for the three wheels among the Afghanistan market. The facilities available to the Zarang manufacturing company are capable of producing every wind load of cargo vehicles like Mazda and Trucks